Female Virologist gives India it’s first coronavirus testing kit a day before giving birth
Minal Dakhave Bhosale – the virologist behind India’s first coronavirus testing kit - is being adored with applause and goodwill. Influencers like industrialist Anand Mahindra and actor Soni Razdan are among the thousands who are celebrating the efforts of this amazing lady.
As far as BBC is concerned, Ms Bhosale is the research and development chief of Mylab Discovery in Pune, the first Indian firm to get full approval to make and sell coronavirus testing kits.
The molecular diagnostic company has achieved a feat of creating a kit that can test around 100 samples and costs 1,200 Rupees (around US$16.00), which is a quarter of the cost of COVID-19 testing kits that India has been importing from abroad.
Ms Bhosale was the head that designed the coronavirus testing kit, called Patho Detect, at Mylab.
We are in awe that she started working on it just days after leaving the hospital with a pregnancy complication in February and even managed to submit the kit for evaluation by the National Institute of Virology on March 18, just a day before she delivered her daughter.
“It was an emergency, so I took this on as a challenge. I have to serve my nation,” said Ms Bhosale in her statement to BBC.
Ovations heard around the world resounded as soon as the news was public. Influencers like Industrialist Anand Mahindra and Actor Sonia Razdan appreciated the young woman’s efforts.